- Aluminum crank-up towers
- Aluminum towers
- Steel towers
- Steel crank-up self-supporting towers
- Tower accessories
Communication Technologies is a manufacturer of tower structures and professional antenna systems for telecommunications.
We were founded in 1999. Since then, thanks to modern quality control systems and qualified personnel, we develop and produce world-class products. To ensure absolute repeatability of finished products according to tech designs and documentation we involve high grade equipment including industrial robots in our manufacturing process. The high level of quality is confirmed by completed projects of various difficulty levels. We pay special attention to the development of new products helping our customers to find innovative solutions to their technical problems.
Being years on the telecom market we were able to earn the trust among the largest telecom players as well as Oil & Gas giants but never forgot our keen customers from public and private sectors.
Now, we’d like to invite you to use our products for your tech applications.